I read a story in the news yesterday about how several Hispanic and African-American parents are suing a local community pool because of "racist comments" uttered by a couple of white folks. When a not-so-famous black athlete was reached for a statement, he called the situation "shocking and appalling" and he fully supported any legal action perpetrated by the beleaguered minority parents. My reaction to the story is best illustrated by this artist's rendering:

Needless to say, I was shocked, but not necessarily suprised. Why do people still not understand that racism exists? I mean, it's horrible, yeah, but so is expired milk. When milk expires, you don't scream, "AUGH! This is horrible! How can this be allowed to happen?!". You say, "Ew", throw it out and get some more. That's how racism should be treated. Don't try to make a statement by suing someone who is too ignorant and stupid to get the message in the first place. Just ignore it. I mean, sure, it's a great platform for people like that athlete to get their 15 minutes of fame by "sticking it to the man", but come on. We've been fighting racism for about 200 years now. This shouldn't be a new, terrifying subject. It's real freakin' life. Get over it. As long as there are two people left on the planet, one of them is going to hate the other one's guts. It's just how things go. Racists are idiots, but I gotta say I'm not too fond of the people who exploit themselves as victims of traumatic slander, either. As far as I'm concerned, both of these types of people are attention whores, and need to get over themselves.
You know what I've never understood?
English is actually a pretty tough language. I was watching CSI: Miami a couple weeks ago, and realized how weird and sometimes stupid English actually is. Sigh, now that I think about it, English is really just a conglomeration of a bunch of other languages, so my point might end up being moot. ANYWAY. There's a character on CSI: Miami named "Calleigh Duquense". It's pronouced "Calley Doocayne". How weird is that? That fictional character has more unnecessary letters in her name than half the population of England (what kinda dope spells "color" and "humor" like "colour" and "humour"? Honestly!). Ugh. I don't know where this was supposed to go, so I'll stop. Basically, I think communicating is dumb. The end!