Monday, June 15, 2009


Hey, look at me. I've made it to post twenty-five.

I don't know why I write on this thing. I'm just another one of those self-indulgent little teenagers looking for a creative release. I guess this is a good alternative to drugs, or drinking...or becoming emo.

Emo...that sounds like something fine to write about.

I don't know where the whole "Emo Culture" came from. I think it stemmed from all the pseudo-punk music that started popping up in the 90's (Nirvana, Marilyn Manson, etc...). It's like a weaker, whinier version of Gothic, right? I mean, Goth's scare me. Seriously.

I wouldn't like to mess with one of those bad boys. Those people are hardcore weird. I'd make fun of them, but they'd probably file out of my attic or closet or something in the middle of the night and put a hex on me. Bah, uh, anyway. Yeah, Goth = Scary.

Emo kids...not so much. How can you possibly take them seriously? But then again, maybe that's why they're emo in the first place. Maybe I just don't get the overall appeal. Yeah, you may live in a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house in a gated community. And yeah, your parents might've given you lunch money and college money every other kind of money you could possibly want, but life still sucks enough to paint your face and wear girl/children's jeans to Muvico, right? The world just doesn't understand!

Oh, we understand. We understand all...too...well.

Humph. It's not my place to judge how other people live their lives, but come on. These kids have the highest "Make Fun Of" factor since William Hung! How can I, a perfectly normal and perfect human being, NOT make fun of a bunch of guys sitting in a corner taking turns using a girl's straightening iron (which I've actually seen, courtesy of Mr. Mayer's awful classroom management skills. David and Dan and Kaita can back me up.)? The one positive point about the emo kids is that they're just that: kids. Presumably, there's a point in their life when they realise that they've been acting and dressing like a douche and that life isn't that bad. Then, they go and slip into some jean shorts from Old Navy and a comfortable T-shirt, and go get a job and contribute to society. And I don't mean making YouTube videos. That's not contributing.

Ok. I'm done for now. See you Wednesday!


PS - I know Muvico is now Hollywood Theatres or whatever. Don't correct me. Jerks!


  1. Emos wouldn't exist if make-up didn't exist. Think about it: emo kids without their carbon black eyeliner (and neon pink eyeshadow- bleuagh) are just depressed kids with piercings! Well, I guess they still have pointy, gelled hairstyles. Okay, okay. Take away their make-up and hair gel and they're just "depressed."

  2. They're are no adult emo's

  3. Emos are just weird. I mean, who came up with the idea of calling the "emos" in the first place? Doesn't that stand for "emotional?" An emotional person is not called that because of fluorescent, hurts-my-eyes make-up and hair color. I thought emotional meant that you're in touch with your feelings, not that you wear tight black jeans from Baby's R Us, and stand around Muvico smoking weed.

    Very weak...

    PS - I agree with Mr. Mayer's failed rule!

  4. I couldn't leave a comment on your latest post so here is a video making fun of Joaquin Phoenix:
