I just heard about this story.
Apparently, in the Russian city of Perm, two brothers have been accused to killing their older brother. You see, one of the younger brothers (I'll just call him Bob) was being investigated for murder. He would've gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for Big Bro. He told on Bob, and Bob was promptly arrested and jailed. Well, Bob got out about a year ago. Bob was not too thrilled with Big Bro, so he and his udder
brudder (I'll call him
Li'l Bro) killed Big Bro.
And then the story takes a sad, disturbed turn into the macabre.
They decided that best way of disposing of Big
Bro's body, was to eat it. They ate Big Bro. They ate him, and buried the leftover bones in the backyard. Over the course of the last six months, they had
refrigerated the Big Bro meat, and cooked him up every once in a while and eat him.
When asked for an explanation, Bob said only this:
"I did not want to go back behind bars, so we cut off his head and buried it and cut the body into parts and kept (them) in a refrigerator. We have been cooking and eating his meat for six months."
But, uh, he said it in Russian. Not English.
Weird, right? Alright, on to the real post. The "meat", if you will.
Joey Earle yelled at me today for not posting yesterday. That's okay. He's got a broken arm. He's handicapped.
TGIF, right? Yeah, man. We've got about twenty-thousand-million essays crammed into the next 3 weeks, courtesy of that bearded behemoth
Kazzer Wazzer.
I really like the show "Seinfeld", but I generally don't think that Jerry Seinfeld is very funny. If you've ever seen the show, you'd know that almost every episode opens with a clip of his "stand-up act". His jokes are really horrible. Plus, during the actual taping of his show, he gets a sort of half-smirk every time his character says something funny. I think it bugs me that HE thinks he's funny. Also, I feel bad for Michael Richards. He was Kramer on the show. As you may or may not have heard, during one of his own stand up acts a couple years, some black people were heckling him, so he lost it and went on a racial tirade.

He's been in hiding ever since. The guy was genuinely funny. One of the most hilarious physical comics of all time. I don't condone racism at all, but if a guy with glasses is bugging the crap out of you while you're doing you job, the first thing you're going make fun of is his glasses. Same thing with a toupee, or if he's bald. Unfortunately, the guy with glasses was actually a black guy, and saying stuff like "You
woulda been hanging from a tree 50 years ago!!" is sort of bad form. Anyway. I hope he comes back into the (positive) limelight. Besides, black people have been making fun of white people for a while, and we can't do anything about it. That would be racist.
I'm not racist, I swear. I'm friends with Broderick Jenkins.
Hm. I think I'm about finished. My fingers are tired.