Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Yesterday I spent the day with Andy Francis. We played Halo and went antique shopping, and it was good. Later that night, I met Joey Earle, Patrick Ryan, and Madison Wagner at the Ale House for a hearty helping of buffalo wings, and it was good. They're all leaving within the week for various colleges scattered across the US, and I had a good time. They're good people, although Patrick was on his phone for like, 45 minutes. He has horrible manners.

Tonight I'm going to Kaita's to watch the Perseids meteor shower, but I can't figure out when would be the best time to go outside and watch the sky. Google has yielded almost no viable results. I've gotten pages that say "9-11PM is best", and then when I double check with another page, it says "4-5AM is peak viewing time". Why, Google? Why must I suffer such an injustice at your e-hands?

I've been thinking a lot about information control. Censorship, meme theory, selective pressures, etc. If I ever compose my thoughts into a readable venue, I'll stimulate you with some good ol' fashioned conspiracy theories and whatnot. But not now. I'm tired. I'm stressed about school and whatnot, so I don't know when I'll be able to be illuminating again, but just wait it out.




  1. Id like to apologize for my poor manners. it was my coach calling.. couldnt exactly end the conversation :/ thanks for joining us!
