My first week of college was relatively uneventful. I started all my classes and unceremoniously met up with some old Southies and SFCAians. My dorm is by far my favorite part about the whole experience, though. My own thermostat, my own locked door, my own...laundry basket. Ah, life is good.
I got an email from Kasenow recently. He said he hasn't noticed any intellectually stimulating students this year. Then he quoted Alexander Pope.
I went grocery shopping today at Target. Well, uh, by "grocery shopping", I mean I picked up some cheese, Triscuits, and Ho-Hos. I've never felt more collegiate.
I spend most of my free time playing on my laptop, Skyping with people, eating, and hanging out with K. Tinkoff. Suffice it to say that this is the most relaxed I've ever been at the start of a school year.
I was exiting Target with "groceries" in hand when I entered the glass-lobby-thing at the front of the store. There was a couple with a small child in front of me in a shopping cart. As I was walking through the automatic slidey doors, the kid manages to fall out of the shopping cart.

I saw a really dumb bumper sticker today. It was blue with big, white type that said "I Believe In EVOLUTION!". Under the word evolution was the word, "God", but "God" was scratched out. As most of you know, I'm a staunch Christian. I wasn't offended as a Christian, but as a human.
People like that are the reason there are wars and hate and racism and probably diabetes. I don't care what you believe in, how you act, your creed, or your heritage. I respect you as a person (unless you prove me otherwise). But when you go out of your way to stick it to an entire community to promote your own feeble opinion, that's when I start having problems with you. It's the same thing with Atheists. Just because you don't believe in God doesn't mean you all of a sudden have the right to go around protesting at churches and post "Jesus sux" on Christian websites and forums.
I read a news story the other day. It said that a large group (50 or so) of Atheists had a "reverse baptism". These people met in a public park and dressed in robes and took turns using blowdriers on each other while repeatedly chanting, "Logic over superstition.". Now, again, what you believe is your own business, but when you go so far as to mock a sacred tradition that dates back 3000 years just to make a statement, you need to re-evaluate your life, pal.
Faith is a personal choice and should never be a publicity stunt.
Okay! See you guys later!
respect your writing, brotha! Completely agree with the whole "rubbing it in your face" statement. Then again, the flip-side of that is the fundamentalist Christians who are morons for not keeping it to themselves.
ReplyDeleteThey, just like the people who disagree with religion and completely expose the hatred, are also the reason for diabetes. Plus, in these times of relatively higher scientific knowledge, religion is an extremely easy target to criticize because nothing matches the so called "logic" that atheists and other non-religious groups follow.
For instance, you and I are pretty much opposites when it comes to out religious beliefs, but neither of us attacks one another on the topic, because we, as HUMAN beings, are respectful to everyones opinion. In the other hand, I have had morons who say what they believe in, and I obviously get bothered by these actions (as do you in the contrary).
I miss you. We should hang sometime so you can show me your dorm! I'm glad you are liking the "independent life."