Hey everybody. Kaita went to Miami with her family and I just got in from working in the rain. I figure after this post I'll go watch some old Steve McQueen movies I just Netflix'd, since I don't have much to do today.
I talked to my bud Jack (White) Trescott yesterday. He seems to be doing well. I was a tad disappointed to hear he traded in his cinematographic knowhow for a microscope and a labcoat, but I understand. It's hard to put food on the table when you want to be a musician/artist/movie maker. Oh well. Who knows?
I've never seen an attractive hobo. Maybe that's because good looks actually ARE the key to success! You don't even have to be super attractive, either. Basically, as long as you have all your teeth, shave once in a while, and don't smell like pee and beer, you're set!
I talked to my bud Jack (White) Trescott yesterday. He seems to be doing well. I was a tad disappointed to hear he traded in his cinematographic knowhow for a microscope and a labcoat, but I understand. It's hard to put food on the table when you want to be a musician/artist/movie maker. Oh well. Who knows?
I've never seen an attractive hobo. Maybe that's because good looks actually ARE the key to success! You don't even have to be super attractive, either. Basically, as long as you have all your teeth, shave once in a while, and don't smell like pee and beer, you're set!

Hm. Now that I'm actually looking over my picture there, I realize that I've never seen any lady hobos, either. The hobo world is a mystery to me. I do believe in that "attractive=success" mantra, though. Like it or not, people are mean, and unless you're easy on the eyes, you're going to have a tough time. Unless you're easy on the genitalia. Look at Britney Spears. Bah, uh, anyway. I don't think I'm an attractive person by society's (Abercrombie's) standards, but I have a lot of other things going for me. It's all about confidence and respect. If some guy (let's call him Kasey) thinks he could put a mirror store out of business as soon as he walks in the door, then he's screwing himself. Maybe he could shatter a mirror or two, but until he gets past things that he can't change, he's just ignorant. And ignorant is bad. Samuel Johnson said it best, I think:
"He that voluntarily continues ignorant is guilty of all the crimes which ignorance produces."
I've been seeing a lot of teaser trailers for the new Final Destination movie. Oh, whoops, sorry, the new THE Final Destination movie. This movie was interesting (but by no means good) the first time, but seriously, how many times can you have a scene in which a woman is too busy yelling at someone to notice she's about to be obliterated by some flying debris?

Look out, you dumb broad!
I've seen that like, a thousand times! If you're going to make a gore-horror ("Gorror) movie, then it has to have some substance behind it. The first Saw had more gore than America's 2000 Presidential Campaign, but the traps were clever, and the story concise. Albeit the Saw series has dragged itself out for way too long, but you get the point.
You know what movie I want to see? Inglorious Basterds. I don't know if I'm a bandwaggoner or not, but for every 10 gritty, super-realistic war or action movies, there's one completely over-the-top Quentin Tarantino movie. It's a refreshing palate cleanser.
I give the Gary's Mod pictures 5 stars. Actually, I'm giving them 10 stars (5 stars for each)!
ReplyDeleteWhen you say Kasey, you don't mean Rogers do you. Cuz that is one ugly mug