That's almost enough reason for me to go see it.
My brief Facebook tenure is over for good, I think. It was nice catching up with some people, and I think I was nice enough to buy myself another 5 years of excommunication before I feel obligated to catch up with them.
Obligatory conversation is best dealt with while driving. When you're driving around town, and you see an old friend walking down the sidewalk, you stick your head out the window and yell, "Hey! Howya been!". They have about 15 seconds to respond, and then you have to move on. When you're walking, however, you MUST STOP and chat. I'm no sociopath, but if I'm walking anywhere, I am usually trying to get somewhere, and unless you're going to give me food or money, I would really just prefer to keep moving.
I'm wondering who you are. I'm not going to say that I don't expect people to read this, because that's a lie. But I am curious who you are and why you're reading this. Joey? Is that you?
That's my old friend Andy. He's moving to up north for college in a couple days. After that, I'll officially have to repopulate my Friends List. That's right, I keep a Friends List. I used to have millions and millions of friends, but after a while I had to start crossing them off. I'm not callous or anything, it's just that they changed or I changed and life goes on. Making friends in high school was so easy. You're surrounded by all types of people for 6 hours a day. It's impossible NOT to make a bunch of friends. No one had jobs or serious girlfriends. After a while, you develop a certain preference for a certain type of person. I prefer people that are interesting and weird. There's a difference between people that try to be weird and people that are inherently weird, though. The people that pride themselves on being weird are usually the people with an alcoholic stepdad or a nasty habit of inviting friends over to watch porn together.
Hands down, the weirdest, most interesting person I've ever met is the illustrious Ian Daniels. He was a slender, pale Irish kid with a copious amount of thick brown hair and a mumbling voice. I met him during my Freshman year of high school, on the bus. He's like a character out of a book. I don't know what happened to him. He's like a legend. Nobody's heard from him in months. I hope he's alright.
A lot of people like Michael Cera for the same reason a lot of people like Will Ferrell, and that reason is "typecasting". Cera, like Ferrell, plays essentially the exact same character in every movie. It's gotten to the point where a movie starring either of these actors basically feels like a sequel to the previous respective movie they starred in. Let's see some variety, guys.
Alas, I have found you again. Please keep writing?